Sunday, January 25, 2009


Please tell me I'm not the only one!!

Sunday meals at our house are quite a bit different than when I was growing up. I remember my mom always cooking a big dinner. Well, my husband grew up having soup for lunch- canned soup. When we got married he let me know that he would much rather do the soup thing. This way we can all have some down time rather than making a big meat and potatoes meal and then have me spending forever cleaning up the mess.

Typically we have cinnamon rolls (from a can) for Sunday breakfast. Once in awhile I do a homemade coffee cake or muffins or something like that.

Then for lunch we have Campbell's tomato soup and grilled cheese. I probably do a bigger meal, like a roast and veggies in the crock pot about once a month. However in the summer it's a little different. We like to grill and eat outside. We can't do that very often at supper time because Pete gets home between 6 and 6:30. He's the "griller" so that would make supper too late. So we love to take advantage of the time we have together on the weekends to grill.

Supper on Sunday nights is very random and unplanned. We get home late from church and just want to hurry and get the kids in bed. So it's usually cereal or scrambled eggs or peanut butter and jelly or nachos or whatever leftovers we can quickly warm up.

I'm counting on SOMEBODY to admit that you feed your family cereal for supper sometimes!!


  1. I like to have cereal for supper every once in a while. Unfortunately Dan doesn't go for that...but just because he's not a cereal kind of guy. I'm sure when Aiden is eating real food we'll have a "whatever is in the pantry" night...most likely Sunday night too. And I remember we usually did nachos or pizza at home when we were kids on Sunday nights.

  2. Sorry Rachel, no cereal for supper here (we rarely even have it for breakfast). Now when Daniel is traveling we may have pancakes, but even that is rare.

    Every Sunday morning for breakfast we have a coffee cake of some kind or cinnamon rolls that I made the night before. Lunch is always a fellowship meal at church. We then get home around 4 pm (if we don't go to someone's home) and then we'll throw in frozen pizza, make eggs, or pop some popcorn.

  3. Yes, I do that on occasion--I usually tell the children that they can have icecream after, which is a real treat that they usually only get at birthday parties. We have 7 children, the oldest of which just turned 11 years old less than a week ago, and I have the times that I just need to get them to bed! :-)
